He arrived to the Performing Arts world in 2003, working on innovative projects like VEO in Valencia (Spain), an eclectic festival that hosted several companies from around the world. In 2007 Víctor changed direction towards Street Arts, and started travelling with international artists throughout the Spanish geography. He becomes the “guardian angel” of Leandre, Claire Ducreux, Los2Play, Pierre Pilatte, David Moreno & Cia, Les Commandos Percu, Marco Carolei, Öff Öff, among others.
In 2009 Víctor meets Murmuyo and his partner Metrayeta; they begin to work together and touring through international festivals around Europe. Víctor and Murmuyo are brother in arms since then, and they have reached success together in events around the world.
Victor is well known by his work in the rearguard, always attentive, and always ready to create the best experience for the audience, artists and organizers.
Murmuyo’s work takes shape starting with the movement and gesture investigation in the urban space, achieving a dynamic mix that leads him to be the "drill bit" and begins to work in any situation that can be "pierced ".
This forms a home virtuosity of boundless imagination, leading the public to very funny experiences of vertigo, which eventually turn out to be a mirror satyr, bizarre and cartoony of human virtues and defects that normally live in the city’s labyrinths .
Follower of the grain of physical and gestural theater developed by masters like Jacques Lecoq, Marcel Maceau, Etiene Decrouix; Murmuyo uses the body as the main tool for communicating emotions, create images, characters and illusions on stage. This gives to his shows a playful and dynamic personality, where communication with the public is essential.